CairoPlot – Plotting Graphics using Python and Cairo

This is not anymore the most recent version of the API. Please refer tothe newest post.
CairoPlot now has a Mailing List! For more information, refer to:this post.

So, a while ago, I’ve decided to code a library to plot some information I had.

The idea was to create simple graphics in a way they would be easy to create, beautiful and good to present to people with no or few backgrounds on math and computers.

For the ease one creation I, obviously, used Python 😀

And, as I was already a PyCairo enthusiast (that began by the time I read Aventuras no cairo by Marcelo Lira and, as pointed out by him, this other one), I decide to use it to draw my graphics.

On this first version, the CairoPlot library provides 3 functions:


Function to plot graphics using dots and lines as…

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